
A customer object is a representation of a customer that can be found in the customer panel.


Parameter Description Remarks
Id A unique identifier of the customer An integer
Name Name of the customer A string of max 100 characters.
Email Namer A string of max 100 characters.
CompanyName Company name of the customer A string of max 100 characters.
Created Creation date of the customer A DateTime.
EnableCustomerAssociation Whether it should be possible to customers to sign up for an account. A boolean.
AssociationAuthCode The code that can be used by the customer to sign up for an account. A string.
MaxNoOfDevices The maximum number of devices that the customer can log in on if user account authentication is used. An integer.
Owner The UserId of the account that owns this customer. An integer.
ResellerId The UserId of the account that acts as a reseller. An integer.
IsPublic Whether resellers should be able to see this customer. Note, if a reseller is registered with this customer, they will still be able to see it even if this is set to false. A boolean.


{"id":1234,"name":"Bob","email":"","companyName":"SKM","created":"2015-09-04T16:11:14.453", "enableCustomerAssociation":"false", "associationAuthCode":"ABCDE", "maxNoOfDevices":"1","owner":"1234", "resellerId":"1234", "isPublic":"false"}